In Search of A Midnight Kiss

ISOAMK has a lot going for it: the film looks glorious in black and white; there's plenty of witty lines even if a few feel sit-comish; the whole thing is a true indie labor of love. As directed by Alex Holdridge the film takes ideal love and the concept of the date from hell to new heights. Imagine my surprise when I found out this slick film was shot on a Sony Z1U, essentially a 5-grand camera that anybody can buy. ISOAMK was shot guerilla style (no permits per se) and follows Wilson on his date with Vivian (Sara Simmonds) who answers his CL ad by telling him she's "300 pounds, likes bondage and into Hello Kitty." Of course Vivian's anything but.
Over the course of their date Wilson and Vivian bond, which entails facing off with her psycho ex-boyfriend and kissing at the stroke of midnight. There's a Texas angle to some of the lines, not surprising since Holdridge and company made a couple of films in Austin earlier this decade. There's a moral dilemma that Wilson must face (involving Min) and Viv has a penchant for taking photos of lost shoes that has a spin-off website that cleverly actually exists (
In Search of A Midnight Kiss is the real deal - a low budget romantic comedy that emotionally bonds the audience with its characters, provides some laughs and leaves you quixotically happy.
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