Battle in Seattle

Townsend recalls the late 60s docu-drama Medium Cool (itself showing at the MFA on October) and mixes news footage and real events with fictional characters. The opening shows the origins of the World Trade Organization beginning in 1947 when 23 countries created a general agreement on tariffs and trade, or the GATT. In the mid-90s the expanded members became the WTO. As the film illustrates the current organization can impose fines on countries that don't abide by their protocol. "It ensures that large corporations can operate anywhere unencumbered by individual country's laws."
Clean air laws are gutted, genetically modified foods are forced on consumers. The end of the century meeting in Seattle was designed to add new initiatives to the WTO's agenda. The stellar cast includes Woody Harrelson and Channing Tatum as police, Ray Liotta plays the mayor, Charlize Theron as Harrelson's wife, Martin Henderson as a protest organizer and Michelle Rodriguez and André Benjamin as activists.
Battle in Seattle is balanced enough to appeal to general audiences but the sympathy of the filmmakers rests on the side of the protesters. The plot twists give the film a propulsive narrative flow that rivals big budgets actioners. Battle in Seattle currently unwinds in an exclusive engagement at the Angelika downtown. There are moments of brutality that will be tough for some, but the reality is always harsher than the recreation.
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