Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday night film events!

Once nicknamed the "Eighth Wonder of the World" the Astrodome was the first domed sports stadium when it opened in 1965. Join us at the Contemporary Art Museum (CAM, Bissonette @ Montrose) for a special screening of the Astrodome as portrayed in documentaries and films, curated by artist/curator Andrea Grover.
Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
“The Pleasures of this Stately Dome,” 1975, Geoff Winningham, 54:00, 16mm on video, color, sound
A study of the Houston Astrodome as a folk theater, created on the 10th anniversary of the opening of the dome. The film includes vintage footage from the construction and grand opening of the Astrodome in 1965, plus footage from ten years of diverse and memorable shows.
“The Lord of the Universe,” 58:00, 1974, TVTV (Top Value Television), color, sound, video
Sixteen-year-old guru Marahaj Ji attempts to levitate the Houston Astrodome in this 1973 DuPont award winning documentary. Follow the guru from his New York mansion to limousines in Houston and listen to his followers celebrities and non-celebrities alike extol his virtues.


Canadian heavy metal band Anvil will play a live music set immediately following the special 9:45 p.m. show of ANVIL! THE STORY OF ANVIL at the Angelika Film Center, Thursday, May 28, 2009.


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