The Proposal

You remember when your momma told you not to say anything if you didn't have something nice to say. Fortunately she wasn't referring to movies. Sandra Bullock used to be in such interesting films. Even gobbledygook like Practical Magic or handsome thrillers like Murder By Numbers wouldn't make you cringe like The Proposal the romcom du jour this week.
Most studios make romcoms with the signature of television humor and The Proposal is no exception. You could've cast a mannequin level actress like Katherine Heigl in The Proposal without losing a semblance of laughs. There is one funny scene in the movie but it is woefully telegraphed.
Power business woman Bullock finds her dreams of corporate domination foiled when she learns she must be deported. Her solution to marry her younger hunky secretary (Ryan Reynolds) sounds logical given the circumstances although the immigration premise unwinds like a paper device in a rainstorm. Disney has actually made realistic human comedies like Dan in Real Life and one that involved immigration, Green Card (1990) that was nommed for an Oscar for writing and won a Golden Globe for best picture.
By contrast The Proposal skimps by on a ludicrous set up and recognizable cast. The direction by Anne Fletcher passes as pedestrian. One sequence involving an eagle that swoops down to steal Bullock's iPhone uses the same framing over and over making the CGI insertion of the bird obvious. In the actual ha-ha scene where the two leads bump into each other naked (yeah right) they appear to have a shade darker body makeup. The movie is mostly set in Alaska and there's some good scenery.
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