All About Steve

All About Steve is not a rom com even though star Sandra Bullock and male ingenue Bradley Cooper (Steve) were both in huge comedy hits earlier this year. The facts remains that even with a scattered script and uneven tempo All About Steve provides a lot more food for thought than The Hangover or The Proposal.
All About Steve basically is a stalker comedy. Bullock tries to date rape Cooper within seconds of their blind date, he flees. She follows often egged on by Thomas Hayden Church, a rascally Cheetos-tanned news anchor who's also Steve's boss. Church sees the perverseness in Bullock's pursuit. Ken Jeong, Kathy Mixon and DJ Qualls get a few good second banana line readings. One sequence set at an Oklahoma hospital concerns news teams covering a three-legged baby and the two camps, non-leg and pro-leg, that have assembled. Another scene set in Galveston suggests that it's the gay capital of the nation.
I don't really see what people saw in Proposal and Hangover, and frankly while the joys inherent in the whacked-out All About Steve aren't all above board at least it's so chaotic as to never be confused with a normal comedy. Bullock in particular seems to be channeling a slapstick craziness that adds zest where there was none.
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