Monday, April 5, 2010

DVD slight return: History Channel docs

A series of DVDs from the History Channel takes your mind on the kind of diversion one gets from listening to Coast to Coast AM; a conspiratorial view of historic events. And even if the facts presented in The Real Wolfman, Holy Grail in America, and Jesse James’ Hidden Treasure were true it wouldn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Yet the ring of verisimilitude resounds from the testament of these programs. To wit: an 18th century series of murders in the French town of Gevaudan form the basis for all subsequent fictional accounts of men who turn into animals when the moon is full; a rock with ancient runes, the Kensington Stone, was unearthed in 1898 in Minnesota and may harbor clues that prove the Templar Knights came to America before Columbus bringing with them holy relics; infamous outlaw Jesse James faked his death and funneled stolen gold into the Knights of the Golden Circle, a secret Southern org that was waiting to reboot the Civil War. Like the character in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance says: “This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”


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