The September Issue

You could just as easily call this documentary about putting out Vogue magazine, specifically the 2007 fall fashion issue, The Eyes of Anna Wintour. The doc, helmed by R.J. Cutler, thrusts the viewer into the process of editing a magazine as well the world of Gotham fashionistas.
Cutler also did The War Room and seems to imply that the same level of seriousness that goes into a Presidential campaign is what's going on here. Any why not? The sense that Wintour views her job as a mandate of what's cool in haute couture means she enjoys her job (editor-in-chief). Only when Cutler talks to Wintour's daughter the college age lass admits she doesn't get the swept away feeling everyone else does. This puts things in perspective. Vogue, fashion issue or no, is not a big deal, outside of a admittedly large group of readers.
Yet Cutler unerringly concentrates on the minutia. The way pages are laid out in a publication that exceeds hundreds of pages might've been nut-and-bolts in another story but here Cutler finds fascination with the series of magnetic frames and wall mounted boards. Cutler also hones in on Wintour's eyes, and even her neck, as if to say here is wisdom and here is age. Make of it what you will.
So many color xeroxes are printed, spit out and thrown away during the build up to publication that the Vogue offices could support an Office Max store with the amount of toner they use.
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