Enlighten Up

The path to enlightenment does not necessarily mean the road to an interesting movie. It's easy enough to pay lip service to peace and nirvana but more difficult to paste those concept onto images. In Kate Churchill's docu Enlighten Up she attempts to explain yoga. The only thing is that everybody, from American jocks to Indian gurus, have their own version of the definition.
Enlighten Up illustrates the different types of workout regimens associated with yoga that are available on the east and west coast. Then taking Asia by storm Kate and her subject Norman Allen, whose goal is to find some enlightenment in his own life, meet with masters of the art in yoga in India. Here the answers given by the sages approaches a kind of mysterious fulfillment given short shrift by their Western counterparts.
Enlighten Up works best when exploring the exact nature of each type of yoga workout, whether mind expansion through years of study or short term benefits for the body as is the American way. Asanas and namaste are just words and while Enlighten Up attempts to explain them in relation to the act of yoga the end result is likely to be as confusing as illuminating.
Kate spends part of the time in conflict with Norman but it's not clear how much of that is fodder for the camera. The tidbits of info gleamed from this docu are likely to be of interest more to beginners than adepts of yoga.